August 12. 2022.
Bee City USA works with campus facilities and cities across the US to create awareness about pollinators, their habitat, and how to get involved by attracting pollinators.
Communities engaged in the program work together to create natural nesting sites for pollinators, IPMs (Integrated Pest Management Plans), with the goal of increasing the population of native plants and creating a sustainable healthy habitat for the pollinators.
With already over 150 Bee City Affiliates and 146 Bee City Campus Affiliates, Bee City USA has fostered a buzz in 45 states across the United States.
1,072,700+ People engaged in pollinator conservation as a result of Bee City USA & Bee Campus USA.
2,544+ Habitat projects completed totaling over 3,700 acres.
That's ALOT of Buzz.
The Raw Honey
-"More than 100 U.S. grown crops rely on pollinators. The added revenue to crop production from pollinators is valued at $18 billion." -
- "In California alone, almonds crops—entirely dependent on bees for pollination—are valued at over $3 billion".-
- "When honeybees and other pollinators pollinate avocado, they increase the plant’s fruit yield by 350 percent and fruit weight by 18 percent." -
- "Blueberries in New Jersey can see an increase in gross revenues of $112 per acre if one acre of vacant land is available to native pollinators." -
Comment what you've been buzzing on!